SCULPTURES – made according to the image from the photo


Last year when I got idea to make those sculptures and shared my idea with others, everyone told me that idea was stupid and that no one would buy such product. Anyway, I made sculptures of my loved ones (live and dead). This sculpture was done after my grandfather photo and represents him. Meanwhile, my father passed away. My father was still alive when I made sculpture of him. Now, when he is gone I have him again through this sculpture. When I miss him a lot I talk with him, kiss him and keep secret cigars inside him -:) 


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    SKULPTURE su rađene ručno na osnovu poslate fotografije. Prošle godine kada sam dobila ideju da napravim te skulpture i podelila svoju ideju sa drugima, svi su mi rekli da je ideja glupa i da niko neće kupiti takav proizvod. U svakom slučaju, napravila sam skulpture svojih najmilijih (živih i mrtvih). Ova skulptura je urađena po fotografiji mog dede i predstavlja njega.  Sada, kada ga nema, ponovo je sa mnom kroz ovu skulpturu. 

    Additional information

    Weight3 kg
    Dimensions15 × 10 × 35 cm
    preko 10000 din

    1 review for SCULPTURES – made according to the image from the photo

    1. Rustic Pottery

      Ako cena dostave bude nerealno visoka molim Vas kontaktirajte me na mail da vam pošaljem to što želite van narudžbine na sajtu

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